Root Canal Therapy

Treating the Root of
the Matter Saves Teeth

root canal treatment

Pain-Free Treatment to Alleviate Tooth Pain

About 15 million teeth are saved every year with root canal treatment. A root canal is necessary when the pulp of a tooth becomes inflamed or infected. If pulp infection is left untreated, this can cause severe pain and/or lead to an abscess. While the perception that root canals are painful began decades ago, advances in dental technology have resulted in root canals that are no more uncomfortable than having a cavity filled. At Dental Starz, we strive to change what patients think about root canal treatment by using technologies that enable a painless approach while also alleviating dental anxiety. During a root canal in our Illinois office, our highly skilled dentist removes the infected pulp and nerve in your tooth root, cleans and shapes the inside of the root canal, then fills and seals the space.

model of toth root

The Out-of-Sight, Essential Tooth Root

A tooth root comprises the lower two-thirds of your tooth and serves to anchor it in position and keep your jawbone healthy. The root canal space is located below the pulp chamber in what is called the radicular portion of the tooth. The end tip of the tooth root is called the apex. Root canals can be round, oval, long oval, flattened or irregular. In most people, incisors, canines and premolars have one root, while molars have two or three, each of which can get infected.

broken tooth needing root canal 3d

Signs You Need a Root Canal

  • Severe tooth pain
  • Prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold food or drinks
  • Pain when biting or chewing
  • Tooth discoloration
  • Loosening of the tooth
  • Swollen, tender or darkened gums
  • Pimplelike bumps (fistulas) on the gums
  • Cracked or broken teeth

Dedicated to Painless Root Canals

When pulp inside your tooth root becomes infected, the pulp and bacteria must be removed to save your tooth, oral health and overall health. During a root canal in Illinois, our dentist first numbs the treatment site with a local anesthetic. If you suffer from dental anxiety or need additional sedation, we offer diverse sedation options. Either way, you won’t feel any pain, although you may experience slight pressure as we complete the procedure. We drill a small hole in your tooth crown to gain access to the pulp chamber and carefully clean out all the bacteria and infected pulp and tissues. Then we fill and seal the end with a rubberlike material called gutta-percha. Afterward, the tooth is restored with a crown or filling to protect it and restore normal function. We accept many insurance plans and offer third-party financing to ensure your treatment is both painless and affordable.

infected tooth

Infected tooth and abcess

cleaned out tooth

Tooth cleaned and shaped

root filling replaced

Root filling replaced

crown attached to root canal

Permanent filling or crown placed

patient smiling confidently after their dental procedure

Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

When our dentist performs a root canal in Illinois, this will enable you to live a comfortable and functional life free of tooth pain. The benefits of root canal treatment include:

  • Preserved natural tooth
  • Resolved toothache
  • Restored tooth function
  • Improved smile aesthetics
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dental patient preventing root canals at appointment

How to Prevent Root Canals

The best way to prevent a root canal is to practice good oral hygiene, avoid hard food that can crack teeth, and protect your teeth when playing sports. Follow these additional precautions:

  • Brush twice daily
  • Floss once daily
  • Avoid biting hard foods (especially with restorations)
  • Wear a night guard if you grind or clench your teeth in your sleep
  • Wear a mouth guard when playing sports
  • Avoid acidic citrus drinks and sugary soft drinks
  • Get regular dental checkups and cleanings
  • Seek immediate treatment for tooth pain