When To Choose Orthodontic Care

Realign Your Smile
and Your Outlook

dental patient learning about orthodontics

When to seek Orthodontic Treatment?

Maintaining good oral health is essential for your overall health and well-being. However, misaligned teeth can make it difficult to keep your teeth clean, leading to a host of oral health issues. If you have crooked, crowded, or gapped teeth, or suffer from malocclusion (a “bad bite”), it’s important to seek the specialized care of an experienced orthodontist. At Dental Starz, we offer expert orthodontic care in North Lake, IL, to help you achieve a healthier and more beautiful smile. With our cutting-edge technology and personalized treatment plans, you can trust that you’re in good hands with our skilled team. Don’t let misaligned teeth hold you back from a healthier, happier life – schedule an appointment with us today and start your journey towards a confident, beautiful smile!

Dr. Asim smiling with orthodontic patient

The Many Benefits of Orthodontics

  • A healthy, attractive smile
  • Less tooth decay, since your teeth are easier to clean
  • Address bite and placement issues
  • Easier to smile, speak and eat
  • Prevent worse dental issues in the future

Orthodontic Treatments Available at Dental Starz

girl wearing braces smiling outside

Traditional Braces

At Dental Starz, our orthodontists offer traditional braces in the Chicago metro area. This reliable treatment uses metal brackets and wires to realign teeth over time, providing a comfortable and effective solution for misaligned teeth.

clear aligners

ClearCorrect® Clear Aligners

ClearCorrect treatment, which involves custom-made plastic aligner trays worn for 20-22 hours daily, is an orthodontic option recommended by our orthodontists for those looking to straighten teeth discreetly.


FASTBRACES® Orthodontics

FASTBRACES orthodontic treatment can quickly realign teeth in as little as 100 days in many cases! Our experienced orthodontist, Dr. Asim, is a proud FASTBRACES Senior Master Provider since 2017 and has designed many treatment plans that created healthy, dazzling smiles in just a few months.

Dr. Asim explaining orthodontic treatment

What Happens if You Delay Orthodontics?

Because there’s a “sweet spot” between ages nine and 14 where it’s easier to adjust problem teeth, it can be a good idea to have our team of orthodontists evaluate you or your child’s need for braces before that point. Delaying orthodontic care doesn’t make your mouth a lost cause, though, and the Dental Starz team has many years of experience with patients of any age. However, delaying orthodontic care can cause bigger, long-term issues that could take more time to treat. Putting off orthodontic care can speed up tooth decay, leading to cavities and toothaches. If left for too long, this decay can lead to the need for root canals and tooth extractions. We believe that prevention is the superior option here, which is why we evaluate all our patients’ orthodontic needs to ensure we keep your healthy, attractive smile intact.